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First Listen: Jeff Crosby & The Refugees “All Nighter”

jeff-portraitt“Stop Runnin” , the first track, launches in with a very “Petty-esque” guitar part. Shortly after Crosby’s gruff vocal hits it and I am listening. You got me Jeff. Full band, rock n’ roll. Its good, I like it. The second track has a little bit of a Swinging Steaks feel to me with the lead line of the electric guitar. I like the Steaks, this again, is good and I am hooked. Subtle harmonies on the chorus that just plain works. It’s a quick fire lyric verse situation. Crosby’s vocals have a grist from the mill feel, there is a break to his voice that is incredibly pleasing to listen to, and his voice is strong.  By the time “Andy’s Song” comes on, I am in deep and reeling in how much this music feels good. I get a The Band / Band of Heathens  influence here. It has a good groove, a rise and fall with each verse. Very “The Weight” kind of a vibe to it. The story is there, the musicality is there, and the song is just great.

“Heart Like a Loaded Gun” is a nice break from the more raucous stuff. It is driven by a light piano, acoustic guitar, and then a slow drum beat. The opening up of the sound also puts the songwriting in full view and I can really dig into the lyrics, which I am thankful for. Some of these lines are just fantastic. This is a really wonderful crafted and written tune. It’s sticking with me long after I listen.

Like a killer on the run, like a lighter to the sun

Careless lover, heart like a loaded gun

“The Rose” is another one of those heartfelt tunes. The record refugees-sign-200very well rounded in that respect. I bet this is a great live show to catch, with a mix of solo tunes, full band. There is even a nod to Dylan in the line “these ways, they have damaged where we are going, those who still refuse to notice that the times they are a changing”. I am speechless here. Just an excellent, excellent song.

Bottom line, this is feel good music (to my ears). There are hints of Warren Haynes, Ryan Adams and Tom Petty…quite an eclectic mix…contained within Crosby’s voice and writing. Then songs like the third track conjur up thoughts of The Band and Bob Dylan. This is very well rounded and greatly produced music.  The standout is Jeff Crosby’s voice. It’s just incredible, its unique, it is such a pleasure to listen to. In listening to this record, I have been made a fan of Jeff Crosby…come to Boston Jeff, you have a place to crash amigo.
