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New England Americana 2014 Featured Artist: Tallahassee

My most vivid memory of the boys of Tallahassee come from the backstage antics of the boys and ‘Honey Pie’ from 2 festivals ago. There was sparkle make-up, cut off shorts, and lots of whiskey involved and I think a few incriminating photos/videos circling around the internet of the incident…but lets get back to the music. The boys of Tallahassee are a force of nature. There is a raw energy that simply cannot be contained on a stage and their live shows are absolutely charged and bursting with spirit and vibrancy. Putting them on the big stage this year outside was a good move by NEAF and I know these boys will light the streets up (figuratively, of course). Check out what they had to say about this year’s fest and whats in the pipe for them!


(photo by Josh Wool)

1) “Americana” has become the go to term for arguably every genre under the sun. How you do feel you as an artist falls under that umbrella? Where do you pull your inspiration from? What is the style of music that you most closely relate to?

T-hass: We like that Miles Davis’ quotation, “there is only two kinds of music: good and bad.” Our songs are like coffee filters through which we pour a sundry of influences from many different genres.

2) New England Americana and the Fest firmly plant their roots and morals in “community” and attempting to bring that community together in this big once a year event. The event is a culmination of a community of musicians and artists that is going on all year in other forums and gigs and so forth. What does that community mean to you and how does it affect you as an artist?

T-hass: The community means everything to us. Without that social fabric this would be a hollow pursuit.

3) Music festivals in general are fairly well known for surprise sit-ins, improvisational jams and collaborations. If you could see any two of this year’s acts collaborate on stage at this year’s NEA Festival, who would you like to see?

T-hass: Maybe an 8 Mile-esque freestyle rap battle with Tigerman: Woah! providing the beats.

4) What local releases are you listening to right now that you think folks should be listening to as well? Any independent acts that really make you say “wow”? Friends that you want a broader audience to dig into?

T-hass: Julie Rhodes is putting the finishing touches on a record that is going to blow everyone away.

5)) So, what do you have coming up either before or after the festival? Any shameless plugs you want to make whether it be shows, recordings, or anything at all?

T-hass: We’re planning to batten down the hatches and work on new material this fall. Look for us at The Sinclair in late January.
