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HEY SONGWRITERS: Big Water Songwriting Residency Accepting Applications

There is a lot of beauty in the world (despite what we see on the news these days). There is art to be made, songs to be sung and beautiful views to be taken in. All of this can be accomplished in one fell swoop, but only if you apply for the Big Water Songwriting Residency.

A good friend and wonderful photographer, sculptor and curator of all things arts and creation, Grace Clark, recently reached out to tell me about a project she was helping the band Trampled by Turtles organize. A songwriting retreat in Northern Minnesota where you can truly get away from it all and focus on your craft.

So, what is it?: Big Water is a songwriting residency program located along the wooded shore of Lake Superior that offers songwriters week-long residency opportunities to explore their practice and the offerings of Northern Minnesota. 

So, how do you get involved?: I know applications can be daunting, but it really is simple. Fill out some information about yourself, where you have been, what you have been doing and what you hope to gain from being a part of this retreat. You can read more on that here: 

When is it going to happen?: The retreat itself runs from November 5-11, 2018…but the deadline to submit is August 1st, so time is a ticking folks. Get on it!

If you have more questions: Please contact with any questions or concerns related to program details or application requirements. 

It is quite an opportunity folks, get on it, get writing!
