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Fresh Track: Lindsay Lou “Keep on Going”

There is something so reassuring about the way singer-songwriter Lindsay Lou delivers each line of her songs. There is a mature confidence in Lindsay’s vocal range. An undeniable powerhouse of a voice, but it is tempered with a genuine love and appreciation for the music she is unleashing. The latest release from Lindsay puts the counter balancing on full display. Her voice dancing delicately between deep and soulful tones and lilting, airy bird song. The control and prowess never faltering. An innate ability to cross genres in  seamless and exciting new ways. Soul and R&B meet roots and country in a way that feels fresh and impactful but still comfortable to sink deep into and allow to wash over you. 

Buoyant electric guitar runs guild the edges of Lindsay’s voice. Complementing and interplaying back and forth. The song gains a heady momentum and she unleashes the full power potential of her voice before an instrumental break. Pulling back and forth between the melodic guitar runs and warm and perfected harmonies deep in the mix creating an undulating landscape of sound. Even in the most subdued of moments, she commands a weight and energy in her voice that is remarkable and eloquently passionate.

The “B-side” as the band is referring to it is a slightly more solemn and plodding arrangement, but nevertheless, again puts Lou’s voice at center stage where she shines the brightest. Her voice rolls in beautifully oscillating waves. Quivering at one moment and pulling hard hitting notes deep from down in her chest the next. Gorgeous harmonies again bordering the edges of the song. And while she recently told another publication that the song has a deeper meaning, the vibe and mood of the song can be sat back and listened to for its calming nature or you can listen deep and feel the emotion in a way that is a bit more pensive and poignant as she laments on experiences that the listener can expound for themselves.

This is one of a few in the collection that Lindsay and the band intend to release as double sided singles this Spring. Keep an eye and an ear out.

