Featured Artist

RLR 2 Year Anniversary Show Artist Spotlight: Mark Whitaker Band

Mark has been one of the most supportive people in my own music over the course of the time I have known him. He is easily the most talented and virtuoso musician I have ever played with, yet he is incredibly encouraging and humble when you play with him. Urging you to stretch yourself as a player and musician and helping you to push the boundaries of your own music. Sitting in the round with him or jamming is always a treat, seeing him with his band is an entirely different level.

Mark may stretch the frontier of the banjo, taking jazz, rock n’ roll, classical, and of course bluegrass techniques and melding it into a unique style that is all his own, but the dude also has a voice like butter and writes some really catchy, poignant tunes with an introspective angle. You will find yourself singing along to this songs the first time you hear the chorus and by the end of his first one in a set, you are an immediate fan. He surrounds himself with top-notch musicians as well and the amount of fun that they have on stage dominates any room they are playing in. Whether its a listening room, rock club, or a living room, they demand your attention with the blend of catchy songwriting and genius arranging.

Welcome to the show…

