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Singled Out: Amy Kucharik “For Frogs & Oscar Wilde”


Who: Amy Kucharik

From: Somerville, MA

Song:  “For Frogs & Oscar Wilde”

Latest Record: Until the Words Are Gone (Out on June 1)

What about it: “This country/Americana track sounds deceptively simple, and I like that I managed to write a country tune that includes a ukulele, a key change, and references to Oscar Wilde and Kermit the Frog. I wrote this breakup song after a particularly painful split; it’s about trying to distract yourself from feeling heartbroken in any way possible, with a little snark directed at the guy who left and his new partner, as well as the idea that the platitudes people tell you to make you feel better just don’t work, but maybe feeling like you’re not the only one hurting can help. Oscar Wilde’s wrote “In modern life nothing produces such an effect as a good platitude. It makes the whole world kin,” and that’s how he got into this song. I’m proud of the vocal harmonies that Khrysti Smyth sang with me, Steve Latt’s pedal steel work, and that sneaky key change from the bridge. But people don’t need to appreciate the nerdy stuff… I just want listeners to relate to the process of getting over an ex… or hope they will two-step to it.

photo By Caroline Alden
