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Singled Out: Great Peacock “Rattlesnake”

Who: Great Peacock

From: Nashville

Song: “Rattlesnale”

Latest Record: Gran Pavo Real

What About It: “The recording of it is not what I had envisioned in my head when I wrote the song. But I really dig it. It almost has sort of a Police type vibe in the verse, just the way the reverb sits. It’s very cutting, like an ‘80s, post-punk thing. The chorus is exactly what I wanted. It’s like Tom Petty, the way the drums are driving. In that chorus, on the recording, we did a trick that they’d do on Tom Petty recordings later, and it was a big thing with the Travelling Wilburys where you have three to four acoustic guitars and they’re all tuned differently but playing the same chords. It’s four people playing around the same mic at the same time in windshield motion, all up and down. There’s no extra beats or movements to the riffs. It gives a real lushness to the background of the track. It’s really cool.” – Andrew Nelson


Photo by Dave Vann
