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Peep This: Saint Lo. “Blueberry Fields”

Montreal based indie group Saint Lo. echoes vivid memories with hints of something mixing British isle folk amidst secretive, haunting layers of accordion driven pop tangled up in roots. The bands intermingled harmonies pull you like a moth to a flame in their song “Blueberry Fields”. Bursting with light and lifting feeling and a forward driving vibe that somehow has one foot cemented in the past. The arrangement leading you through foggy memories, chasing a beam of the sun through the mist and pushing and pulling you between the two.

The band says of the song: “Blueberry Fields” is that feeling of nostalgia, like the exhale of a sigh. The constant feeling of shifting away from the past, but keeping it close as you move forward. “Blueberry Fields” is about people and places loved and lost, while ever cherished.”

All that and the imagery of the video, created by Malaika Astorga, a Mexican-Canadian visual artist currently based in Montreal, is wonderful.

Check it out below and keep an eye out for them if you are every up in our northerly neighbors or should the band make its way to the States (Vermont isn’t too far Saint Lo. folks!)


“Blueberry Fields” by Saint Lo from the album ‘We Could Be,’ available April 15th 2019 on vinyl and digital at
